New Robust Tamper-Evident Labels

New CILS-8800C tamper-evident labels are ultra-durable but ‘break-up’ like an eggshell on attempted removal. They cannot be removed intact and reapplied and thus protect your product’s unique data. The high-strength CILS-8800C labels stick to all difficult textured, curved and even oily, low-energy, plastic, powder-coated and cast metal surfaces. Labels also endure the harshest industrial environments. Perfect for the permanent identification of heavy-duty industrial equipment, components and machinery, the CILS-8800C labels provide the ultimate strength needed to survive the life of the product yet is technically developed to self-destruct on attempted removal.

Discovery shuttle makes historic last touchdown

The most-travelled of America's space shuttles, Discovery, has brought its remarkable 27-year career to an end.
The orbiter has just landed at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida after a 12-day - and final - mission to the International Space Station (ISS). Discovery is destined now to go to a museum. Nasa's two other reusable spaceplanes will follow it into retirement in the coming months. The landing at Kennedy occurred just before midday, local Florida time. On its final flight, Discovery delivered a new store room and a sophisticated humanoid robot to the ISS. The ship's crew also performed two spacewalks to carry out maintenance tasks on the exterior of the platform. The final act in Discovery's career was initiated with a two-minute, 31-second burn from its thrusters. This dropped the ship out of orbit and into a re-entry path that took it across the Pacific, over Central America and the Gulf, before a last sharp banking manoeuvre and a touchdown on Kennedy's Runway 15 at 1157 and 17 seconds EST (1657:17 GMT)

Google launches app help find people in Japan

Google launches app is expertise to helping to people locate information on loved ones in the aftermath of a major earthquake and tsunami near the city of Sendai, Japan.
As it did for recent devastating natural disasters in Haiti, Chile and New Zealand, Google has launched a Person Finder app, designed as a user-populated search tool for information on missing people in the area. Searchers can look up missing people by name, and get an update on their status. Several people listed in the database have taken to the site to post messages of their own, confirming their well-being.
At time of writing, the database has user-generated information on 8000 people, but will grow as more people search, and more information is logged.

Panasonic TC-PVT20/25 series Number 1 TV March, 2011

The first 3D TV in this month is the Panasonic TC-PVT20/25. This plasma's overall black-level performance beats that of any of the other sets in this month and its improved THX mode and antiglare screen up the ante from 2009. And 3D glasses are included.

Until the results of long term test of the VT25 are Panasonic TC-PVT20/25 with 1080p/24 playback or the imperfection of its grayscale. But weighed against its excellent general color accuracy in THX, its improved anti-reflective screen and especially those inky black levels, the knocks against the initial 2D picture quality of the Panasonic TC-PVT20/25 series seem minor.

Canon EOS 5D Number 1 Camera March, 2011

A great follow-up to the 5D and top-flight full-frame camera, the Canon EOS 5D Mark II delivers the fluid shooting experience and fine photos you expect from a professional model. The Excellent performance and photo quality; good video capture capabilities and quality.

Canon PowerShot S95 Number 3 Camera March, 2011

Though we'd like it to perform better, dSLR shooters looking for a sidekick camera will find the Canon PowerShot S95's top-flight photos and a full manual feature set worth the tradeoff of its compact size.
Price: $365.00 - $423.94

Nikon D7000 (bady) Number 2 camera Maech, 2011

An excellent dSLR for experienced shooters or Nikon professionals looking for a relatively cheap option, the Nikon D7000 delivers on almost all counts, including the company's best shooting design to date. 
Price : $1,059.00 - $1,299.00

A Search Engine for the Human Body

A new search tool developed by researchers at Microsoft indexes medical images of the human body, rather than the Web. On CT scans, it automatically finds organs and other structures, to help doctors navigate in and work with 3D medical imagery.
CT scans use X-rays to capture many slices through the body that can be combined to create a 3-D representation. This is a powerful tool for diagnosis, but it's far from easy to navigate, says Antonio Criminisi
When a scan is loaded into Criminisi's software, the program indexes the data and lists the organs it finds at the side of the screen, creating a table of hyperlinks for the body. A user can click on, say, the word "heart" and be presented with a clear view of the organ without having to navigate through the imagery manually.
, who leads a group at Microsoft Research Cambridge, U.K., that is attempting to change that. "It is very difficult even for someone very trained to get to the place they need to be to examine the source of a problem, he says.

Anxiety On-Off Switch

Researchers discover a brain circuit that can instantly dampen or exacerbate anxiety in mice.
With the flick of a precisely placed light switch, mice can be induced to cower in a corner in fear or bravely explore their environment. The study highlights the power of
technology which allows neuroscientists to control genetically engineered neurons with light to explore the functions of complex neural wiring and to control behavior.

Now Start Ups Are in a Rush to Bring the Chat Room to the Smartphone

For all the clever things smartphones can do these days  like stream movies and play 3D games the latest mobile craze centers on revamping one of the earliest phone applications, the text message.

Apps from a wave of new start-ups allow multiple people to participate in the same conversation on a mobile phone, like a group chat room or conference call held by way of text message. The new applications, most of which are free, include
Several of these services have made their debuts just this week, right before the opening on Friday of  
Caleb Elston, one of the founders of Yobongo, which is based in San Francisco, said the timing of the app’s release, a week before South by Southwest, was "no accident"
GroupMe, FastSocietyBeluga, KikTextPlus, PingChat,  HurricaneParty and Yobongo.South by Southwest, the technology and music festival in Austin, Tex. They hope to gain some attention at the festival, which attracts scores of technology enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists interested in seeing the latest innovative ideas.

New Tablets Compared

2010 was supposed to be the Year of the Tablet, a prediction that did not quite pan out. So, once more, with feeling: 2011 will be the Year of the Tablet. Sort through the offerings.

BlackBerry software

Stay up to date with your BlackBerry software. Check your carriers download site for any available updates: ^PM

arithmetic just drops out of trees

New Intel Core vPro CPUs

Intel has released the 2nd Generation Intel Core vPro processors with enhanced security and manageability, besides features and performance of the standard 2nd Gen Core “Sandy Bridge” CPUs.

The new Core i5 and i7 vPro chips, designed for use in business-class laptops and desktops, include Intel Anti-Theft Technology Ver. 3.0 (AT 3.0), Intel Identity Protection Technology (IPT), Advanced Encryption Standard – New Instructions (AES-NI), new Host-Based Configuration functionality, improved Keyboard-Video-Mouse (KVM) Remote Control, as well as “Sandy Bridge”-specific features such as Turbo Boost 2.0, Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX), virtualization, and Intel HD integrated graphics.

New Xbox 360

Microsoft announced an updated version of the Xbox 360 on June 14, 2010. The new model has a smaller chassis, 250GB hard drive, and built-in 802.11n Wi-Fi, but no Blu-ray. See the Xbox 360 Slim product page for additional information.


T-Systems Streamlines Desktop Deployment With Windows 7 Enterprise

Deutsche Telekom AG subsidiary TSystems International GmbH today announced it is migrating its managed desktop services to Windows 7 Enterprise.
The decision to move 250,000 managed seats to Windows 7 was part of the company’s decision to standardize desktop deployment on the latest information technology, which Microsoft provide increased security, reduced costs and greater productivity to Deutsche Telekom PC users around the world.

New version of Chrome Web browser

Google recently revealed the new version of its Chrome Web browsing software for both desktop and laptop computers.

The new Chrome browser promises quick and responsive software handling running in the Web browser.


The Number 1 Mobile in last month of the year

HTC Desir
3.7-inch OLED screen,
Super LCD screen
Media viewing.
Physical keyboard,
HTC widgets and downlo